651-224-6974 info@kaposia.com


               Testimonials From Families 

“Victoria completed high school transition and moved into this program. Shortly after starting, she went to several job sites, selected a viable employment site, and took the necessary training with the help of Kaposia staff. She was hired and is now successfully employed full time in a day care site. This would have been very difficult for her to accomplish without the professional help from the Kaposia staff. Thanks for making this possible.” – CB


“Bridget belongs to the retirement group and since she started her involvement with this group her outlook and self-esteem has increased. She is always excited about what they are doing both the fun stuff and the volunteer work. I cannot speak highly enough about [Kaposia’s] commitment to these clients.” – SD


“Kaposia has shown that they are concerned with individual needs and make attempts to respond to each person as best they can. I would recommend Kaposia as a provider that follows through and tries very hard to do what they say they are going to do. To me this is of key importance. It is what it is really all about.” – LB